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Rate & Fee Schedule

Cloverdale Water District

Rate and Fee Schedule

Ordinance 22-01


The following rate part of Exhibit A shall be billed monthly unless stated herein otherwise or other arrangements are made with the District.  The fee and charge part of Exhibit A shall be due when the particular service or event covered by the fee or charge is rendered or occurs.

1.  Water User Rate:

a.   Water Within the District:    $32.00

For the first 899 cubic feet of water used, regardless of amount, the rate will be $32.00 per month, $2.00 per 100 cubic feet of water used between 900-1799, $3.00 per 100 cubic feet for water used between 1800-2699 & $4.00 per 100 cubic feet for water used above that amount.

b.   Water Outside the District:    $48.00

For the first 899 cubic feet of water used, regardless of amount, the rate will be $48.00 per month, $2.00 per 100 cubic feet of water used between 900-1799, $3.00 per 100 cubic feet for water used between 1800-2699 & $4.00 per 100 cubic feet for water used above that amount.

c.   Rounding Up:

For purposes of this calculation, any portion of 100 cubic feet of water used shall result in a billing for the whole 100 cubic feet of water.  By way of example (and only as example), Water Service User who lives within the District & who used 1101.12 cubic feet of water one particular month will be billed $38.00

d.   Billing Unit; Billing Time:

The measuring time frame to be used to calculate the customer’s water usage shall be one calendar month.  Unless arrangements are made with the District in advance, each customer shall be billed monthly.  If desired by a particular customer and approved by the District, the billing time can be for a longer period, such as quarterly or even annually.  In those instances, the billing unit (one month) will be the same and the District may require that payment be made in advance with the District using the Water Service Unit’s past history of usage and the customer’s planned usage to arrive at an estimation as to the amount of the customer’s bill.  At the end of the billing time used as described above, the District shall determine the Water Service Unit’s actual usage. Any customer overpayment in the amount of three months or less shall remain on the account as a credit and be used for future payments.  Should the funds the district received not fully pay for the amount of water that the customer used during the billing time, the District shall bill the customer who shall immediately pay the deficiency.  At any time that the District projects that the customer’s usage will exceed the estimated amount, the District may immediately terminate the billing time approach and revert to a month-to-month billing.  Any excess amount of the customer’s funds, greater than three months payments, that the District has on account, after satisfying the customer’s current bill with the District, shall be refunded to the customer.


2.       Lock off Fee:    $25.00

This fee will be charged to customer accounts where the water meter is locked off due to delinquency and non-payment.

3.       Shut off Fee:    $25.00

This fee will be charged to customer accounts where the water meter is shut off at customer request.

4.       Turn on Fee:    $25.00

This fee will be charged to customer accounts when the water meter is turned back on either due to lock off or customer request.

5.       Administration Fee:    $25.00

Accounts which are 60 days delinquent and who are sent a letter of delinquency will be charged an administrative fee.

6.       Collection Fee:    $50.00

A collection fee will be charged to customer accounts if the Plant Operator or District employee collects fees in person the day of shut off.

7.       Delinquent Deposit Within District Fee:    $384.00

This deposit is equivalent to one year of base rate and will be charged to a customer account upon water lock off due to delinquency and is due in full prior to the water meter being turned back on.  This deposit will remain on customer account and drawn from should future delinquency occur.

8.       Delinquent Deposit Outside the District Fee:    $576.00

This deposit is equivalent to one year of base rate and will be charged to a customer account upon water lock off due to delinquency and is due in full prior to the water meter being turned back on.  This deposit will remain on customer account and drawn from should future delinquency occur.

9.       Transfer Fee:    $15.00

This fee will be charged to all new customer accounts.

10.     Non-Sufficient Funds Fee:    $25.00

Any check returned to the District resulting in a reversal of payment will be charged an NSF fee.

11.     System Development Charge In District:    $3,800.00

An SDC will be assessed to any customer connecting a new feeder line to the main water line.  This fee will be due upon completion of application and will be paid in full prior to connection to the Districts main water line.

12.     System Development Charge Out of District:    $5,700.00

An SDC will be assessed to any customer connecting a new feeder line to the main water line.  This fee will be due upon completion of application and will be paid in full prior to connection to the Districts main water line.

13.     Personal Shut Off Valve & Instillation Fee:    $99.00

This charge will be assessed to customers who elect to have a personal shut off valve installed on their main water line after the District meter.

14.     Contract Work Deposit:    $50.00

The amount of the deposit depends on the purpose of the deposit and the work to be performed.  For the cost of work to be performed, equipment loaned or meter testing, the amount of the deposit shall be the estimated cost of time.  For extension of Mains, the deposit or advance payments shall be as provided in Section 7 of the Ordinance as the same may be amended from time to time & at this time is tentatively schedule to be provided in Section 22.3 of the amended Ordinance.  For all other matters, unless specifically determined otherwise (whether greater or lesser) by the Board, the amount shall be $50.00.